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المكتبة الالكترونية

Title: تفاعلات الكوثرة وتصميم البوادئ PCRing and Primer Design

Year: 2013

Auther: دكتورة زهرة محمود الخفاجي و دكتور حسن محمود ابوالمعالي

Link: Download

تاسم الكتابالمؤلف والطبعة
1A Brief Atlas of The Human BodyMatt Hutchinson et.al,2nd
2A practical Guide to Pharmacutical CareJohn P. Rovers,3rd
3A Short Course in Medical TerminologyC. Edward Collins,2nd
4A Short Course in Medical TerminologyC. Edward Collins,2nd
5A Textbook of MicrobiologyR.C.Dubey
6Adverse Drug Interactions (a handbook for prescribers)Karalliedde, Clarke
7Allergy (An Illustrated Color Text) S.H.Arshed
8American Drugs IndexNorman billuqe
9Analytical ChemistryGarry D.Christian,6th
10Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson)Waugh & Grant,8,11
11Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson)ج1Waugh & Grant,8,11
12Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson)ج2Waugh & Grant,8,11
13Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage form Drug Delivery systemAnsel, Loyd,9th
14Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage form Drug Delivery systemAnsel, Loyd,9th
15Antibiotic SiplifiedJasonc C.Gallagher
16Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in Theory and Clinical PracticeCharles H. Nightingale,2nd
17Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokineticsLeon Shargel,5th
18Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokineticsLeon Shargel,5th
19Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokineticsLeon Shargel ,6th
20Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics Larry A. Bauer,2nd
21Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics Larry A. Bauer,2nd
22Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Michael E. Burton,4th
23Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Michael E. Burton,4th
24Applied TherapeuticsKoda – Kimbel,9th
25Applied TherapeuticsKoda – Kimbel,9th
26Applied TherapeuticsKoda – Kimbel,9th
27Apractical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy PracticeJudith_3rd
28ASHP’s Clinical Pearls Bruce Canaday
29Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlation Eroschenko ,10,11
30Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlation Eroschenko ,10,11
31Atlas of Microbiology(Aphotographic for the Laboratory)Steve K.Alexander
32Basic And Clinical Of PharmacologyLange.Katzung, 10,11th
33Basic And Clinical Of PharmacologyLange.Katzung, 10,11th
34Basic And Clinical Of PharmacologyLange.Katzung, 10,11th
35Basic Clinical PharmacokineticsMichael E. Winter,5th
36Basic Immunology Abdul Abbas htman & Lightman,3th
37Basic Medical Biochemistry (Marks)Lieberman et.al,3th
38Basic PharmacokineticsSunil S. Jambhekar
39BiochemistryFerrier . Lippincott,5th
40BiochemistryHarvey &Champe,6th
41BiochemistryHarvey &Champe,4th
42Biochemistry FundmantalDr.Jein et.al
43BNF 59BMG Group
44BNF 61BMG Group
45BNF 63BMG Group
46BNF 65BMG Group
47BNF 66BMG Group
48BNF 68BMG Group
49BNF For ChildrenBMG Group
50BOH’S Pharmacy Practice Manual: Aguide to the clinical ExperieenceSusan M. Stein,3rd
51Botany(Introduction To Plant Biology)James .D.Mauseth,4th
52British Herbal PharmacopiaBahma
53British PharmacopiaBritish Pharmacopia commission office
54British PharmacopiaBritish Pharmacopia commission office
55Brock Biology of Microorganism Madigan et.al,11,12th
56Brock Biology of Microorganism Madigan et.al,11,12th
57Burton’s MicrobiologyPaul G.Engelkirk, burton_8th
58Case Files Pharmacology LANGE.Toy et.al_2nd
59Case Studies in Pharmacy EthicsRobert M. Veatch
60Cellular And Molecular of ImmunologyAbul K. Abbas et.al_6th
61ChemistryAllan Blackman_2nd
62Chest x-ray (made easy)corne, carroll.et.al_2nd
63Clinical Anatomy By Regions Richard S. Snell_8th
64Clinical BiochemistryG.Beckett et .al
65Clinical Biochemistry (lecture note)Geoffrey.Beckett et.al_7th
66Clinical ChemistryWiilliamJ.Marshall_6th
67Clinical Chemistry (Made Easy)Jeremy Hughes
68Clinical Chemistry (Theory,Analysis,Correlating)Lawrence A. Kaplan_5th
69Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine Martin A .Crook_7th
70Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine Martin A .Crook_7th
71Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine Martin A .Crook_7th
72Clinical Chemistry Diagnosis And TreatmentPhilip D.Myne_6th
73Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing PracticeAnne Collins Abrams_8th
74Clinical Laboratory Haematology Mckenzie & Williams_2nd
75Clinical Microbiology (Made ridiculously simple)Mark Gladwin & Tratter_4th
76Clinical Pharmacokinetics Soraya Dhillon
77Clinical PharmacologyP. N. Bennett h_10t
78Clinical PharmacologyP. N. Bennett h_10t
79Clinical Pharmacology and Drug TherapyD. G. Grahme – Smith_3rd
80Clinical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsJames M. Ritter_5th
81Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics(Question for self) Assessment Third editionTimothy GK Mant et.al_3rd
82Clinical Pharmacology(Lecture Notes)John L. Reid-6th
83Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsRoger Walker_4th
84Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsRoger Walker_4th
85Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsEric T. Herfindal_3rd
86Clinical Toxicology (Principles and mechanism)Frank A. Barile_2nd
87Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference Leonard G. Gomella_2009
88Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference Leonard G. Gomella_2009
89Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference Leonard G. Gomella_2009
90Clnical Atlas of Human AnatomyAbrahams et.al
91Color Atlas &Textbook of Diognostic MicrobiologyWinn.et al_6th
92Color Atlas of Medical MicrobiologyHart & Shears
93Color Atlas Of PhysiologyDespopoulos Silbernagl_5th,6th
94Color Atlas Of PhysiologyDespopoulos Silbernagl_5th,6th
95Color Textbook of Histology Gartner , hiatt_3rd
96Communication Skills for PharmacistBruce A. Berger_3rd
97Communication Skills in Pharmacy PracticeRobert S. Beardsley_5th
98Community pharmacy Paul Rutter_3rd
99Community Pharmacy HandbookJon Waterfield
100Community Pharmacy, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Paul Rutter_3rd
101Community Pharmacy, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, Paul Rutter_3rd
102Comperative Pharmacy ReviewShargel et.al_6th,7th
103Comperative Pharmacy ReviewShargel et.al_6th,7th
104Comperative Pharmacy ReviewShargel et.al_6th,7th
105Complementary and Alternative MedicineSteven B. Kayne_2nd
106Curran’s Atlas For HistopathologyJ. Crocker_4th
107Curran’s Atlas For HistopathologyJ. Crocker_4th
108Current Diagnosis and Treatment of STDsJeffrey D. Klausner
109Davidson’s Principles and practice of medicineNicki R. Colledge.et.al_21st
110Design And Development Of Biological ,Chemical ,Food And Pharmaceutical ProductsJ.A.Wasselingh
111Diagnostic Microbiology Forbes Sahm Weissfeld
112Diagnostic Microbiology Forbes Sahm Weissfeld
113Dictionary Of Pharmaceutical MedicineGerhard Nahler
114Dorland ,s Pocket Atlas of AnatomySaunders_28th
115Drug Dictionary & Evaluation pharmacological AssagsVogle-2nd
116Drug Facts Comparisions 2010 + pocketWalters.Kluver
117Drug Facts Comparisions 2010 + pocketWalters.Kluver
118Drug Information Handbook (With international trade index)15thCharles
119Drug Information Handbook (With international trade Names index)10thCharles
120Drug Information Handbook (With international trade Names index)19thCharles
121Drug Information Handbook for DentistryRichard l.wynn
122Drug Metabolism Chemical And Enzymatic AspectsJack P U E Trecht
123Drugs And The LiverNorth- Lewis
124Duke’s Handbook Of Medicinal Plant of the bibleJames A. Duke
125Elemantry Organic spectroscopy princiles and chemical ApplicationsY.R.Sharma
126Essential Clinical ImmunologyZebriskie
127Essential of PathophysiologyPorth_2nd
128Essential of PathophysiologyPorth_2nd
129Essential Of Pharmaceutical ChemistryDonald Cairns_3rd
130Essential of Rubin’s Pathology Emanual Rubin_5th
131Essential Physiological Biochemistry an organ_based approachStephen Reed
132Essentials Of Human Physiology For PharmacyMcCorry_2nd
133Essentials of PharmacoeconomicsKaren L. Rascati
134Essentials of PharmacoeconomicsKaren L. Rascati
135Europian Pharmacopia 6.2 Supplements Alee Kastner
136Evaluation Of Herbal Medicine Product:Perspectives on Quality,Safety and EffcacyPeter
137Evidence Based PharmacotherapyElaine Chiquette
138FASTtrack TherapeuticsNadia Bukhari
139Financial Mangement for Health – System PharmacistsAndrew L. Wilson
140Formulas & Strategies Scheid et.al_2
141Foye’s Principles Of Medicinal ChemistryThomas L.6th
142Fundamental Analytical ChemistrySkooge,West,Holler,Crouch_8th
143Fundamental of Analytical ChemistrySkooge,West,Holler,Crouch_8th
144Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, tudents solution manual for Scoogesscooge
145Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry Cort. A.E Burtis_6th
146Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry Cort. A.E Burtis_6th
147Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry Cort. A.E Burtis_6th
148Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry Cort. A.E Burtis_6th
149Fundamental of Physiology Sherwood_3rd
150Fundemental Of Organic ChemistryJohn Mcmurry_7th
151Fundemental Of Pharmacognosy PhytotherapyMickel_2nd
152Further MCQs in Pharmacy PracticeLilian M. Azzopardi
153Ganong’s Review of Medical PhysiologyBarrett et.al_23,24
154Ganong’s Review of Medical PhysiologyBarrett et.al_23,24
155General And Systemic PathologyJ.C.E Underwood & Cross_5th
156General ChemistryMC.Murry
157Guide For The Care And Use Of Lab. Animals8th
158Handbook Of Lab. Animals Management And WelfareWolfensohn and Lioyd
159Handbook of Methods& Instrumentation in separation science, volume2Wilson &.Poole_v1,2
160Harper’s Illustrated BiochemistryRobert K Murry et_28th
161Harper’s Illustrated BiochemistryRobert K Murry et_28th
162Health Care ComunicationHungman
163Henry’s Clinical Diagnostic And Management By Lab. MethodsMcPHERSON PINCUS_22nd
164Herbal Medicine Barnes et.al_3rd
165Herbal Medicine Barnes et.al_3rd
166Herbal Medicine Rundolf .F.W.M.D_2nd
167Herbal Medicine Biomoecular &clinical Aspects Ruddf,Volker.MD_2nd
168High-Yield Pharmacology,3eWeiss_3rd
169HormonesA.W.Norman G.Litweak
170HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography Quantitative Analysis Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical FormulationsSethi Charegaontar 6TH
171Human Anatomy & physiologyMarieb & Hoehn_8th
172Human Biology Sylvias.Mader_10th
173Human Genetics Concepts And Application Ricki Lewis_7th
174Human Genetics From Molecules To Medicine Christian P. Scheef
175Human PhysiologyStuart Irafox_7th
176Human Virology Collier et.a_4th
177Identification of Drug in Pharmaceutical FormulationP.D.Sethi, Rajat Sethi_V2
178Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy Jamie Weir, et.al_4th
179Immunology & Haematology Kitchen, Griffin_3rd
180Immunology (lippincott)Champe Harry , et.al
181Immunology (lippincott)Champe Harry , et.al
182Indian Herbal PharmacopoeiaSukhdev
183Introduction To Modren Liquid ChromatographyLioyd_3rd
184Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Quantitative Basis of Drug TherapyThomas N. Tozer& Rowland
185Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Quantitative Basis of Drug TherapyThomas N. Tozer& Rowland
186Introductory Clinical Pharmacology(lippincott)Roach & Ford_8th
187Jawetz, Melnick And Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology Geo F. brooks , et.al_24,25th
188Junqueira’s Basic Histology (text and atlas) Anthony L. Mescher_12th
189Krause’s Food & Nutrition TherapyL. Kathleen Mahan_12th
190Laboratory Experiment In Microbiology Johnson_6th
191Law and Ethics in Pharmacy PracticeRuth Rodgers,et.al
192Lehninger Principles of BiochemistryDavid L.Nelson
193Life style Modification in PharmacotherapyThomas L. Lenz
194Lippincott Illustrated Review biochemistryRobert
195Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacologyclark ,et.al_5th
196Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacologyclark ,et.al_5th
197Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacologyclark ,et.al_5th
198Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacologyclark ,et.al_5th
199Lippincott Nursing Deug GuideLippincott 2005
200LWW,S Foundations in Pharmacology For Pharmacy TechniciansW.Renee Acosta
201Mackie And McCartney Practical Medical Microbiology J.G. collee,et.al_14th
202Macleod’s Clinical ExaminationGraham Douglas,et.al_12th
203Manual of Clinical Microbiology James Versalovic, et.al_10th
204Manual of Drug Safety and PharmacovigilanceBruton Cobert
205Manual of labaratory diognosticfischbach
206Manual of Pharmacology and TherapueticsBrunton . Et.al
207March’s Advanced Organic ChemistryMichael Smith_6th
208Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology John, Petri_9th
209Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology John, Petri_9th
210Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology John, Petri_9th
211Martine Dale The Complete Drug RefrerenceMartine Dale_35th
212Math Calculation For Pharmacy Technicians (A work text)Robert Fulcher
213MCQ In Pharmaceutical Calculation.Domnelly – Sanjay Garg
214MCQ In pharmaceutical science & technologySanjay Garg
215MCQs in Pharmacy PracticeLilian M. Azzopardi_2nd
216Medical DictionaryDr.Harvey
217Medical DictionaryYousif K.Hittl_4th
218Medical Genetics Jorde et.al_4th
219Medical Micobiology And Infection Tom Elliot et.al_4th
220Medical MicrobiologyJawets et.al_25th
221Medical MicrobiologyGreenwood et,al_18th
222Medical Microbiology Dockrell et.al
223Medical Microbiology Patrick R. Murray_5th
224Medical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsDerek G. waller.et.al_3rd
225Medical Pharmacology and TherapeuticsDerek G. waller.et.al_3rd
226Medical PhysiologyGuytons & Hall_11th
227Medical PhysiologyGuytons & Hall_11th
228Medical Terminology an Illustrated GuideCohen / DePetris_7th
229Medical Terminology made Incredibly easyLippincott_3rd
230Medical VirologyMarog C. Timbury_11th
231Medicinal Natural Product Biosynthesis ApproachPaul_3rd
232Medicinal PlantsDaniel
233Microbilogy ( lippincott)Richard A.Harvey_2nd
234MicrobiologyNester et.al_4TH
235Microbiology Prescot et al
236Microbiology With Diseases By TaxonomyRobert W.Bauman_3rd
237Modern Pharmaceutical Industery (A Primer)Thomas M.
238Molecular Biology Robert F. Weaver_5th
239Molecular Biology in Cellular PathologyJ.Crocker et.al
240Morrison and Boyd Organic ChemistryMorrison Boyd_6th
241Morrison and Boyd Organic ChemistryMorrison Boyd_6th
242Mosby,s Handbook of Herbs & Natural SupplementLinda Skidmore_4th
243Muir’s Textbook of PathologyDavid A. Levison_14
244Nelson. Essential of PediatricsKaren J. Marcdante,et.al_6th
245Nurse’s Pocket Drug GuideJudith A. Barberio_2008
246Nursing Drug Guide(2009)Lippincott_2009
247Nursing Pharmacology (Made Incredibly Easy)3rd
248Nutrition Therapy And Pathophysiology Neims , et.al_2nd
249Oral Delivery Of Macromolecular DrugsAndreas Bernkop
250Oral Lipid Based FormulationsDavid J Hauss
251Organic ChemistryMC.Murry_7th
252Organic Chemistry (Textonly) 6th
253Organic Chemistry(Structure And Function)Peter Vollhad T_6th
254Organic Medicinal And Pharmaceutical ChemistryJhon H.Blok
255Organic Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 11th,12thJhon H.Blok
256Oxford Handbook Clinical PharmacyPhilip Wiffen
257Oxford Handbook Clinical PharmacyPhilip Wiffen
258Oxford Handbook Clinical PharmacyPhilip Wiffen
259Oxford Handbook of Clinical MedicineMurray Longmore_8th
260Oxford Handbook of Clinical MedicineMurray Longmore_7th
261Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties Judith Collier_8th
262Oxford Handbook of Practical Drug TherapyDuncan Richards ET.AL_2nd
263Pact,Pharmacy College Admission testBARRON,S
264Parasite And Infectious Diseases :Diseovary by Serendipity&Otherwise Gerald W. Esch
265Parasitology (protozoology and helmenthology)K.D.chatterjee_ 13th
266Pathology and Therapeutics for PharmacistsRussell J. Greene_3rd
267Pathophysiology C.M.Proth
268Pharmacards: Review cards for Medical student card DdeckMarc sabatin
269Pharmaceutical AnalysisDavid_vol170
270Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyGrommelin et.al_3rd
271Pharmaceutical CalculationHoward C. Ansel_11,12th
272Pharmaceutical CalculationHoward C. Ansel_11,12th
273Pharmaceutical CalculationHoward C. Ansel_11,12th
274Pharmaceutical Calculation Howard C. Ansel_13th
275Pharmaceutical Calculation For The Pharmacy TechnicianBarbara E. LACHER
276Pharmaceutical Care PracticeRobert J. Cipolle.et.al_3rd
277Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systemsloyd.v,allen jr
278Pharmaceutical Economics and policy Stuart O. Schweitzer_2nd
279Pharmaceutical Inorganic ChemistryR.D.Madan_1st
280Pharmaceutical Practice A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th
281Pharmaceutical Practice A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th
282Pharmaceutical Practice A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th
283Pharmaceutical Product Branding Strategies (Stimulating Patient..)Paich et.al_2nd
284Pharmaceutical SciencesPandit. Lippincott
285Pharmaceutical Substance ( Syntheses, Patents, Applications of the most relevant APIs,Kleeman et.al_5th
286Pharmaceutical SuspensionsKulshreshtha. et.al
287Pharmaceutical ToxicologyMulder &Dencker
288PharmacognosyTrease&Evans .15th,16th
289PharmacognosyTrease&Evans .15th,16th
290pharmacognosyTrease&Evans .15th,16th
291pharmacognosyTrease&Evans .15th,16th
292pharmacognosyTrease&Evans .15th,16th
293PharmacologyRocenfild ,loose_5th
294PharmacologyBrenner ,Stevens_3rd
295Pharmacology (BRC) 4thRocenfild ,loose
296Pharmacology (BRC) 4thRocenfild ,loose
297Pharmacology (Principles And Applications)Fulcher_2nd
298Pharmacology and Therapeutics Principle to PracticeWaldman Terzic
299Pharmacology condensedM,Mdane, D.6- HAYLETT
300Pharmacology Examination Board ReviewKatzung and Trevor_9th
301Pharmacology Examination Board ReviewKatzung and Trevor_9th
302Pharmacology Flash CardsGeorge M.
303Pharmacology for Health Proffessinal4th
304Pharmacology RecallAnand Ramachandram_ 2nd
305Pharmacotherapeutics a Primary Care GuideEllis Quinn_2nd
306Pharmacotherapy a pathophysiological approachJoseph T. Dipiro_7th
307Pharmacotherapy CasebookTerry L. Schwinghammer_7th
308Pharmacotherapy Casebook:Apatient Focused ApproachTerry L. Schwinghammer_6th
309Pharmacotherapy HandbookBarbara G. Wells_8th
310Pharmacotherapy Handbook #REF!
311Pharmacotherapy Handbook Wells , Dipiro_7th
312Pharmacotherapy in Primary CareLinn et.al
313Pharmacotherapy Principles & PracticeMarie A. Chisholm – Burns_2nd
314Pharmacy case studiesSoraya & Roymond
315Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation (A How To Manual)Shuman et.al
316Pharmacy Ethics and dececison makingJoy Wingfield &Badcott
317Pharmacy Law Textbook and Review Debra B. Feinberg
318Pharmacy Management,Essentials for all practice settings-371:371
319Physical Pharmacy (fast track)Attwood & Florance
320Physical Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Martins& Sinko..5th,6th
321Physical Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 6edMartins& Sinko..5th,6th
322Physician Desk Reference2007
323Physiology (pretest)Metting_12th
324Plant Produced Microbial VaccinesAlexander
325Plant Tissue Culture Technique ExperimentRoberto_3rd
326Pocket Prescriber 2020Timothy RJ Nicholson,et.al_ 2010
327poisoning&Drug OverdeseKent R.Olson
328poisoning&Drug OverdeseKent R.Olson
329poisoning&Drug Overdese 6th EditionKent R.Olson
330Principle of Anatomy & physiologyGerard J. Tortora_12th
331Principle of Human Anatomy Gerard J. Tortora_11th
332Principles of General ChemistrySilberberg
333Principles Of Pharmacology Golan ,Tashjian_2nd
334Principles of PhrmacoeconomicsBootman et.al_2nd
335Protocols for in vitro cultures and Secondray Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal plantsElizabith Kerbey_7th
336Public Health Medicine for the tropics(Short textbook)Adetokunbo O. Lucas_4th
337Public Health Medicine for the tropics(Short textbook)Adetokunbo O. Lucas_4th
338Quantitative Analysis Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical FormulationsP.D.Sethi_6th
339Quick Look Drug BookLipencott_2010
340Rang & Dale pharmacologyRang & Dale
341Review of Medical Microbiology and ImmunologyWarren Levinson_9th
342RNA Interferance(Current Topies in Microbiology &Immunology) Batrick J. Paddison
343Robbin’s And Cotron Atlas of Pathology Klatt
344Robbin’s Basic Pathology Kumar_8th
345Saunders pharmaceutical Word Book2010Drake & Drake
346Sobatta Atlas of human AnatomyUrban and fischer_14th
347Spectrometric Identification Of Organic Compound Robert M. Silverstein_7th
348Spectroscopic Methods In Organic ChemistryManfred Hesse_2nd
349Stability-Indicating HPLC Methods For Drug AnalysisQuanyun A.Xu_3rd
350Standards of Practical for the Pharmacy TechnicianMary E.mohr
351Stockley’s Drug InteractionsStockley_9th
352Stockley’s Drug Interactions(2009) Pocket companionBaxter_2009
353SuppositoriesDavid Attwood
354Symptoms in the PharmacyAlison Blenkinsopp_6th
355Symptoms in the Pharmacy:Aguide to the Managemant of commonillenssAlison Blenkinsopp_6th
356Tablet And Capsules machine InstrumentationRIGWAY WATT. Et.al_3rd
357Techniques In Organic ChemistryJerry_3rd
358The APHA Complete Review for pharmacy Gourley & Eoff _6th
359The Daschner Guide to in Hospital Antibiotic TherapyFranck Tacconelli_2009
360The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics(Goodman & Gillman)Brunton . Et.al_12th
361The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics(Goodman & Gillman)Brunton . Et.al_12th
362The Pharmacy Technician Skills – Building ManualKaren Snipe
363The Pharmacy Technician,s Reference GuidePosey
364The Pharmacy Technician’s Introduction to PharmacyPosey
365The practitioner,s Quick Reference to Nonprescription DrugsCynthia Knapp Dlugosz
366The Science and Practice of pharmacy(Remington)21th
367The Science and Practice of pharmacy(Remington)21th
368The Systematic Identification Of Organic CompoundShriner_8th
369The Toxicologist’s Pocket handbookM.J.DAEVELANKO
370The World of The Cell Wayne Beaker, Kleinsmith_7th
371Theory & Practice Histology TechniquesB.Cambale
372Theory And Practice Of Industerial PharmacyLuchman & Lieberman
373Toxicology (the basic sciense of poisons)Casarett and Doulls_7th
374Toxicology (the basic sciense of poisons)Casarett and Doulls_7th
375Understanding Immunology Peter Wood_2nd
376Understanding pharmacology#REF!
377United State Pharmacopia (USP)Aulton’s pharmaceutics_ 3rd
378Validation Of Pharmaceutical Process Agalloco et.al _3rd
379Vander,s Human PhysiologyWidmaier R.Stran_9th
380Vogel’s (Text Book Of Quantitative Chemical Analysis)Vogle_6th
381Vogel’s Practical Organic ChemistryMendham et.al_5th
382Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Haematology Tkachuk, Hischmann
383قاموس الموردمنير بعلبكي
384قاموس حتي الطبيد.يوسف حتي & _2008الخطيب
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