1 | A Brief Atlas of The Human Body | Matt Hutchinson et.al,2nd |
2 | A practical Guide to Pharmacutical Care | John P. Rovers,3rd |
3 | A Short Course in Medical Terminology | C. Edward Collins,2nd |
4 | A Short Course in Medical Terminology | C. Edward Collins,2nd |
5 | A Textbook of Microbiology | R.C.Dubey |
6 | Adverse Drug Interactions (a handbook for prescribers) | Karalliedde, Clarke |
7 | Allergy (An Illustrated Color Text) | S.H.Arshed |
8 | American Drugs Index | Norman billuqe |
9 | Analytical Chemistry | Garry D.Christian,6th |
10 | Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson) | Waugh & Grant,8,11 |
11 | Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson)ج1 | Waugh & Grant,8,11 |
12 | Anatomy & Physiology( Rose & Willson)ج2 | Waugh & Grant,8,11 |
13 | Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage form Drug Delivery system | Ansel, Loyd,9th |
14 | Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage form Drug Delivery system | Ansel, Loyd,9th |
15 | Antibiotic Siplified | Jasonc C.Gallagher |
16 | Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in Theory and Clinical Practice | Charles H. Nightingale,2nd |
17 | Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics | Leon Shargel,5th |
18 | Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics | Leon Shargel,5th |
19 | Applied Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics | Leon Shargel ,6th |
20 | Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Larry A. Bauer,2nd |
21 | Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Larry A. Bauer,2nd |
22 | Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic | Michael E. Burton,4th |
23 | Applied Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic | Michael E. Burton,4th |
24 | Applied Therapeutics | Koda – Kimbel,9th |
25 | Applied Therapeutics | Koda – Kimbel,9th |
26 | Applied Therapeutics | Koda – Kimbel,9th |
27 | Apractical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice | Judith_3rd |
28 | ASHP’s Clinical Pearls | Bruce Canaday |
29 | Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlation | Eroschenko ,10,11 |
30 | Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlation | Eroschenko ,10,11 |
31 | Atlas of Microbiology(Aphotographic for the Laboratory) | Steve K.Alexander |
32 | Basic And Clinical Of Pharmacology | Lange.Katzung, 10,11th |
33 | Basic And Clinical Of Pharmacology | Lange.Katzung, 10,11th |
34 | Basic And Clinical Of Pharmacology | Lange.Katzung, 10,11th |
35 | Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Michael E. Winter,5th |
36 | Basic Immunology | Abdul Abbas htman & Lightman,3th |
37 | Basic Medical Biochemistry (Marks) | Lieberman et.al,3th |
38 | Basic Pharmacokinetics | Sunil S. Jambhekar |
39 | Biochemistry | Ferrier . Lippincott,5th |
40 | Biochemistry | Harvey &Champe,6th |
41 | Biochemistry | Harvey &Champe,4th |
42 | Biochemistry Fundmantal | Dr.Jein et.al |
43 | BNF 59 | BMG Group |
44 | BNF 61 | BMG Group |
45 | BNF 63 | BMG Group |
46 | BNF 65 | BMG Group |
47 | BNF 66 | BMG Group |
48 | BNF 68 | BMG Group |
49 | BNF For Children | BMG Group |
50 | BOH’S Pharmacy Practice Manual: Aguide to the clinical Experieence | Susan M. Stein,3rd |
51 | Botany(Introduction To Plant Biology) | James .D.Mauseth,4th |
52 | British Herbal Pharmacopia | Bahma |
53 | British Pharmacopia | British Pharmacopia commission office |
54 | British Pharmacopia | British Pharmacopia commission office |
55 | Brock Biology of Microorganism | Madigan et.al,11,12th |
56 | Brock Biology of Microorganism | Madigan et.al,11,12th |
57 | Burton’s Microbiology | Paul G.Engelkirk, burton_8th |
58 | Case Files Pharmacology | LANGE.Toy et.al_2nd |
59 | Case Studies in Pharmacy Ethics | Robert M. Veatch |
60 | Cellular And Molecular of Immunology | Abul K. Abbas et.al_6th |
61 | Chemistry | Allan Blackman_2nd |
62 | Chest x-ray (made easy) | corne, carroll.et.al_2nd |
63 | Clinical Anatomy By Regions | Richard S. Snell_8th |
64 | Clinical Biochemistry | G.Beckett et .al |
65 | Clinical Biochemistry (lecture note) | Geoffrey.Beckett et.al_7th |
66 | Clinical Chemistry | WiilliamJ.Marshall_6th |
67 | Clinical Chemistry (Made Easy) | Jeremy Hughes |
68 | Clinical Chemistry (Theory,Analysis,Correlating) | Lawrence A. Kaplan_5th |
69 | Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine | Martin A .Crook_7th |
70 | Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine | Martin A .Crook_7th |
71 | Clinical Chemistry And Metabolic Medicine | Martin A .Crook_7th |
72 | Clinical Chemistry Diagnosis And Treatment | Philip D.Myne_6th |
73 | Clinical Drug Therapy Rationales for Nursing Practice | Anne Collins Abrams_8th |
74 | Clinical Laboratory Haematology | Mckenzie & Williams_2nd |
75 | Clinical Microbiology (Made ridiculously simple) | Mark Gladwin & Tratter_4th |
76 | Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Soraya Dhillon |
77 | Clinical Pharmacology | P. N. Bennett h_10t |
78 | Clinical Pharmacology | P. N. Bennett h_10t |
79 | Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy | D. G. Grahme – Smith_3rd |
80 | Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | James M. Ritter_5th |
81 | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics(Question for self) Assessment Third edition | Timothy GK Mant et.al_3rd |
82 | Clinical Pharmacology(Lecture Notes) | John L. Reid-6th |
83 | Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics | Roger Walker_4th |
84 | Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics | Roger Walker_4th |
85 | Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics | Eric T. Herfindal_3rd |
86 | Clinical Toxicology (Principles and mechanism) | Frank A. Barile_2nd |
87 | Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference | Leonard G. Gomella_2009 |
88 | Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference | Leonard G. Gomella_2009 |
89 | Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference | Leonard G. Gomella_2009 |
90 | Clnical Atlas of Human Anatomy | Abrahams et.al |
91 | Color Atlas &Textbook of Diognostic Microbiology | Winn.et al_6th |
92 | Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology | Hart & Shears |
93 | Color Atlas Of Physiology | Despopoulos Silbernagl_5th,6th |
94 | Color Atlas Of Physiology | Despopoulos Silbernagl_5th,6th |
95 | Color Textbook of Histology | Gartner , hiatt_3rd |
96 | Communication Skills for Pharmacist | Bruce A. Berger_3rd |
97 | Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice | Robert S. Beardsley_5th |
98 | Community pharmacy | Paul Rutter_3rd |
99 | Community Pharmacy Handbook | Jon Waterfield |
100 | Community Pharmacy, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, | Paul Rutter_3rd |
101 | Community Pharmacy, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, | Paul Rutter_3rd |
102 | Comperative Pharmacy Review | Shargel et.al_6th,7th |
103 | Comperative Pharmacy Review | Shargel et.al_6th,7th |
104 | Comperative Pharmacy Review | Shargel et.al_6th,7th |
105 | Complementary and Alternative Medicine | Steven B. Kayne_2nd |
106 | Curran’s Atlas For Histopathology | J. Crocker_4th |
107 | Curran’s Atlas For Histopathology | J. Crocker_4th |
108 | Current Diagnosis and Treatment of STDs | Jeffrey D. Klausner |
109 | Davidson’s Principles and practice of medicine | Nicki R. Colledge.et.al_21st |
110 | Design And Development Of Biological ,Chemical ,Food And Pharmaceutical Products | J.A.Wasselingh |
111 | Diagnostic Microbiology | Forbes Sahm Weissfeld |
112 | Diagnostic Microbiology | Forbes Sahm Weissfeld |
113 | Dictionary Of Pharmaceutical Medicine | Gerhard Nahler |
114 | Dorland ,s Pocket Atlas of Anatomy | Saunders_28th |
115 | Drug Dictionary & Evaluation pharmacological Assags | Vogle-2nd |
116 | Drug Facts Comparisions 2010 + pocket | Walters.Kluver |
117 | Drug Facts Comparisions 2010 + pocket | Walters.Kluver |
118 | Drug Information Handbook (With international trade index)15th | Charles |
119 | Drug Information Handbook (With international trade Names index)10th | Charles |
120 | Drug Information Handbook (With international trade Names index)19th | Charles |
121 | Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry | Richard l.wynn |
122 | Drug Metabolism Chemical And Enzymatic Aspects | Jack P U E Trecht |
123 | Drugs And The Liver | North- Lewis |
124 | Duke’s Handbook Of Medicinal Plant of the bible | James A. Duke |
125 | Elemantry Organic spectroscopy princiles and chemical Applications | Y.R.Sharma |
126 | Essential Clinical Immunology | Zebriskie |
127 | Essential of Pathophysiology | Porth_2nd |
128 | Essential of Pathophysiology | Porth_2nd |
129 | Essential Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Donald Cairns_3rd |
130 | Essential of Rubin’s Pathology | Emanual Rubin_5th |
131 | Essential Physiological Biochemistry an organ_based approach | Stephen Reed |
132 | Essentials Of Human Physiology For Pharmacy | McCorry_2nd |
133 | Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics | Karen L. Rascati |
134 | Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics | Karen L. Rascati |
135 | Europian Pharmacopia 6.2 Supplements | Alee Kastner |
136 | Evaluation Of Herbal Medicine Product:Perspectives on Quality,Safety and Effcacy | Peter |
137 | Evidence Based Pharmacotherapy | Elaine Chiquette |
138 | FASTtrack Therapeutics | Nadia Bukhari |
139 | Financial Mangement for Health – System Pharmacists | Andrew L. Wilson |
140 | Formulas & Strategies | Scheid et.al_2 |
141 | Foye’s Principles Of Medicinal Chemistry | Thomas L.6th |
142 | Fundamental Analytical Chemistry | Skooge,West,Holler,Crouch_8th |
143 | Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry | Skooge,West,Holler,Crouch_8th |
144 | Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, tudents solution manual for Scooges | scooge |
145 | Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry | Cort. A.E Burtis_6th |
146 | Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry | Cort. A.E Burtis_6th |
147 | Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry | Cort. A.E Burtis_6th |
148 | Fundamental of Clinical Chemistry | Cort. A.E Burtis_6th |
149 | Fundamental of Physiology | Sherwood_3rd |
150 | Fundemental Of Organic Chemistry | John Mcmurry_7th |
151 | Fundemental Of Pharmacognosy Phytotherapy | Mickel_2nd |
152 | Further MCQs in Pharmacy Practice | Lilian M. Azzopardi |
153 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | Barrett et.al_23,24 |
154 | Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology | Barrett et.al_23,24 |
155 | General And Systemic Pathology | J.C.E Underwood & Cross_5th |
156 | General Chemistry | MC.Murry |
157 | Guide For The Care And Use Of Lab. Animals | 8th |
158 | Handbook Of Lab. Animals Management And Welfare | Wolfensohn and Lioyd |
159 | Handbook of Methods& Instrumentation in separation science, volume2 | Wilson &.Poole_v1,2 |
160 | Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry | Robert K Murry et_28th |
161 | Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry | Robert K Murry et_28th |
162 | Health Care Comunication | Hungman |
163 | Henry’s Clinical Diagnostic And Management By Lab. Methods | McPHERSON PINCUS_22nd |
164 | Herbal Medicine | Barnes et.al_3rd |
165 | Herbal Medicine | Barnes et.al_3rd |
166 | Herbal Medicine | Rundolf .F.W.M.D_2nd |
167 | Herbal Medicine Biomoecular &clinical Aspects | Ruddf,Volker.MD_2nd |
168 | High-Yield Pharmacology,3e | Weiss_3rd |
169 | Hormones | A.W.Norman G.Litweak |
170 | HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography Quantitative Analysis Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical Formulations | Sethi Charegaontar 6TH |
171 | Human Anatomy & physiology | Marieb & Hoehn_8th |
172 | Human Biology | Sylvias.Mader_10th |
173 | Human Genetics Concepts And Application | Ricki Lewis_7th |
174 | Human Genetics From Molecules To Medicine | Christian P. Scheef |
175 | Human Physiology | Stuart Irafox_7th |
176 | Human Virology | Collier et.a_4th |
177 | Identification of Drug in Pharmaceutical Formulation | P.D.Sethi, Rajat Sethi_V2 |
178 | Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy | Jamie Weir, et.al_4th |
179 | Immunology & Haematology | Kitchen, Griffin_3rd |
180 | Immunology (lippincott) | Champe Harry , et.al |
181 | Immunology (lippincott) | Champe Harry , et.al |
182 | Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia | Sukhdev |
183 | Introduction To Modren Liquid Chromatography | Lioyd_3rd |
184 | Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Quantitative Basis of Drug Therapy | Thomas N. Tozer& Rowland |
185 | Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Quantitative Basis of Drug Therapy | Thomas N. Tozer& Rowland |
186 | Introductory Clinical Pharmacology(lippincott) | Roach & Ford_8th |
187 | Jawetz, Melnick And Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology | Geo F. brooks , et.al_24,25th |
188 | Junqueira’s Basic Histology (text and atlas) | Anthony L. Mescher_12th |
189 | Krause’s Food & Nutrition Therapy | L. Kathleen Mahan_12th |
190 | Laboratory Experiment In Microbiology | Johnson_6th |
191 | Law and Ethics in Pharmacy Practice | Ruth Rodgers,et.al |
192 | Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry | David L.Nelson |
193 | Life style Modification in Pharmacotherapy | Thomas L. Lenz |
194 | Lippincott Illustrated Review biochemistry | Robert |
195 | Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacology | clark ,et.al_5th |
196 | Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacology | clark ,et.al_5th |
197 | Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacology | clark ,et.al_5th |
198 | Lippincott Illustrated Review Pharmacology | clark ,et.al_5th |
199 | Lippincott Nursing Deug Guide | Lippincott 2005 |
200 | LWW,S Foundations in Pharmacology For Pharmacy Technicians | W.Renee Acosta |
201 | Mackie And McCartney Practical Medical Microbiology | J.G. collee,et.al_14th |
202 | Macleod’s Clinical Examination | Graham Douglas,et.al_12th |
203 | Manual of Clinical Microbiology | James Versalovic, et.al_10th |
204 | Manual of Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance | Bruton Cobert |
205 | Manual of labaratory diognostic | fischbach |
206 | Manual of Pharmacology and Therapuetics | Brunton . Et.al |
207 | March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry | Michael Smith_6th |
208 | Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology | John, Petri_9th |
209 | Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology | John, Petri_9th |
210 | Markell And Voge’s Medical Parasitology | John, Petri_9th |
211 | Martine Dale The Complete Drug Refrerence | Martine Dale_35th |
212 | Math Calculation For Pharmacy Technicians (A work text) | Robert Fulcher |
213 | MCQ In Pharmaceutical Calculation | .Domnelly – Sanjay Garg |
214 | MCQ In pharmaceutical science & technology | Sanjay Garg |
215 | MCQs in Pharmacy Practice | Lilian M. Azzopardi_2nd |
216 | Medical Dictionary | Dr.Harvey |
217 | Medical Dictionary | Yousif K.Hittl_4th |
218 | Medical Genetics | Jorde et.al_4th |
219 | Medical Micobiology And Infection | Tom Elliot et.al_4th |
220 | Medical Microbiology | Jawets et.al_25th |
221 | Medical Microbiology | Greenwood et,al_18th |
222 | Medical Microbiology | Dockrell et.al |
223 | Medical Microbiology | Patrick R. Murray_5th |
224 | Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Derek G. waller.et.al_3rd |
225 | Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Derek G. waller.et.al_3rd |
226 | Medical Physiology | Guytons & Hall_11th |
227 | Medical Physiology | Guytons & Hall_11th |
228 | Medical Terminology an Illustrated Guide | Cohen / DePetris_7th |
229 | Medical Terminology made Incredibly easy | Lippincott_3rd |
230 | Medical Virology | Marog C. Timbury_11th |
231 | Medicinal Natural Product Biosynthesis Approach | Paul_3rd |
232 | Medicinal Plants | Daniel |
233 | Microbilogy ( lippincott) | Richard A.Harvey_2nd |
234 | Microbiology | Nester et.al_4TH |
235 | Microbiology | Prescot et al |
236 | Microbiology With Diseases By Taxonomy | Robert W.Bauman_3rd |
237 | Modern Pharmaceutical Industery (A Primer) | Thomas M. |
238 | Molecular Biology | Robert F. Weaver_5th |
239 | Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology | J.Crocker et.al |
240 | Morrison and Boyd Organic Chemistry | Morrison Boyd_6th |
241 | Morrison and Boyd Organic Chemistry | Morrison Boyd_6th |
242 | Mosby,s Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplement | Linda Skidmore_4th |
243 | Muir’s Textbook of Pathology | David A. Levison_14 |
244 | Nelson. Essential of Pediatrics | Karen J. Marcdante,et.al_6th |
245 | Nurse’s Pocket Drug Guide | Judith A. Barberio_2008 |
246 | Nursing Drug Guide(2009) | Lippincott_2009 |
247 | Nursing Pharmacology (Made Incredibly Easy) | 3rd |
248 | Nutrition Therapy And Pathophysiology | Neims , et.al_2nd |
249 | Oral Delivery Of Macromolecular Drugs | Andreas Bernkop |
250 | Oral Lipid Based Formulations | David J Hauss |
251 | Organic Chemistry | MC.Murry_7th |
252 | Organic Chemistry (Textonly) 6th | |
253 | Organic Chemistry(Structure And Function) | Peter Vollhad T_6th |
254 | Organic Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Jhon H.Blok |
255 | Organic Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 11th,12th | Jhon H.Blok |
256 | Oxford Handbook Clinical Pharmacy | Philip Wiffen |
257 | Oxford Handbook Clinical Pharmacy | Philip Wiffen |
258 | Oxford Handbook Clinical Pharmacy | Philip Wiffen |
259 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine | Murray Longmore_8th |
260 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine | Murray Longmore_7th |
261 | Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties | Judith Collier_8th |
262 | Oxford Handbook of Practical Drug Therapy | Duncan Richards ET.AL_2nd |
263 | Pact,Pharmacy College Admission test | BARRON,S |
264 | Parasite And Infectious Diseases :Diseovary by Serendipity&Otherwise | Gerald W. Esch |
265 | Parasitology (protozoology and helmenthology) | K.D.chatterjee_ 13th |
266 | Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists | Russell J. Greene_3rd |
267 | Pathophysiology | C.M.Proth |
268 | Pharmacards: Review cards for Medical student card Ddeck | Marc sabatin |
269 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | David_vol170 |
270 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Grommelin et.al_3rd |
271 | Pharmaceutical Calculation | Howard C. Ansel_11,12th |
272 | Pharmaceutical Calculation | Howard C. Ansel_11,12th |
273 | Pharmaceutical Calculation | Howard C. Ansel_11,12th |
274 | Pharmaceutical Calculation | Howard C. Ansel_13th |
275 | Pharmaceutical Calculation For The Pharmacy Technician | Barbara E. LACHER |
276 | Pharmaceutical Care Practice | Robert J. Cipolle.et.al_3rd |
277 | Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems | loyd.v,allen jr |
278 | Pharmaceutical Economics and policy | Stuart O. Schweitzer_2nd |
279 | Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry | R.D.Madan_1st |
280 | Pharmaceutical Practice | A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th |
281 | Pharmaceutical Practice | A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th |
282 | Pharmaceutical Practice | A. J. Winfield,et.al_4th |
283 | Pharmaceutical Product Branding Strategies (Stimulating Patient..) | Paich et.al_2nd |
284 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Pandit. Lippincott |
285 | Pharmaceutical Substance ( Syntheses, Patents, Applications of the most relevant APIs, | Kleeman et.al_5th |
286 | Pharmaceutical Suspensions | Kulshreshtha. et.al |
287 | Pharmaceutical Toxicology | Mulder &Dencker |
288 | Pharmacognosy | Trease&Evans .15th,16th |
289 | Pharmacognosy | Trease&Evans .15th,16th |
290 | pharmacognosy | Trease&Evans .15th,16th |
291 | pharmacognosy | Trease&Evans .15th,16th |
292 | pharmacognosy | Trease&Evans .15th,16th |
293 | Pharmacology | Rocenfild ,loose_5th |
294 | Pharmacology | Brenner ,Stevens_3rd |
295 | Pharmacology (BRC) 4th | Rocenfild ,loose |
296 | Pharmacology (BRC) 4th | Rocenfild ,loose |
297 | Pharmacology (Principles And Applications) | Fulcher_2nd |
298 | Pharmacology and Therapeutics Principle to Practice | Waldman Terzic |
299 | Pharmacology condensed | M,Mdane, D.6- HAYLETT |
300 | Pharmacology Examination Board Review | Katzung and Trevor_9th |
301 | Pharmacology Examination Board Review | Katzung and Trevor_9th |
302 | Pharmacology Flash Cards | George M. |
303 | Pharmacology for Health Proffessinal | 4th |
304 | Pharmacology Recall | Anand Ramachandram_ 2nd |
305 | Pharmacotherapeutics a Primary Care Guide | Ellis Quinn_2nd |
306 | Pharmacotherapy a pathophysiological approach | Joseph T. Dipiro_7th |
307 | Pharmacotherapy Casebook | Terry L. Schwinghammer_7th |
308 | Pharmacotherapy Casebook:Apatient Focused Approach | Terry L. Schwinghammer_6th |
309 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook | Barbara G. Wells_8th |
310 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook | #REF! |
311 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook | Wells , Dipiro_7th |
312 | Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care | Linn et.al |
313 | Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice | Marie A. Chisholm – Burns_2nd |
314 | Pharmacy case studies | Soraya & Roymond |
315 | Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation (A How To Manual) | Shuman et.al |
316 | Pharmacy Ethics and dececison making | Joy Wingfield &Badcott |
317 | Pharmacy Law Textbook and Review | Debra B. Feinberg |
318 | Pharmacy Management,Essentials for all practice settings | -371:371 |
319 | Physical Pharmacy (fast track) | Attwood & Florance |
320 | Physical Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences | Martins& Sinko..5th,6th |
321 | Physical Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 6ed | Martins& Sinko..5th,6th |
322 | Physician Desk Reference | 2007 |
323 | Physiology (pretest) | Metting_12th |
324 | Plant Produced Microbial Vaccines | Alexander |
325 | Plant Tissue Culture Technique Experiment | Roberto_3rd |
326 | Pocket Prescriber 2020 | Timothy RJ Nicholson,et.al_ 2010 |
327 | poisoning&Drug Overdese | Kent R.Olson |
328 | poisoning&Drug Overdese | Kent R.Olson |
329 | poisoning&Drug Overdese 6th Edition | Kent R.Olson |
330 | Principle of Anatomy & physiology | Gerard J. Tortora_12th |
331 | Principle of Human Anatomy | Gerard J. Tortora_11th |
332 | Principles of General Chemistry | Silberberg |
333 | Principles Of Pharmacology | Golan ,Tashjian_2nd |
334 | Principles of Phrmacoeconomics | Bootman et.al_2nd |
335 | Protocols for in vitro cultures and Secondray Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal plants | Elizabith Kerbey_7th |
336 | Public Health Medicine for the tropics(Short textbook) | Adetokunbo O. Lucas_4th |
337 | Public Health Medicine for the tropics(Short textbook) | Adetokunbo O. Lucas_4th |
338 | Quantitative Analysis Of Drugs In Pharmaceutical Formulations | P.D.Sethi_6th |
339 | Quick Look Drug Book | Lipencott_2010 |
340 | Rang & Dale pharmacology | Rang & Dale |
341 | Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Warren Levinson_9th |
342 | RNA Interferance(Current Topies in Microbiology &Immunology) | Batrick J. Paddison |
343 | Robbin’s And Cotron Atlas of Pathology | Klatt |
344 | Robbin’s Basic Pathology | Kumar_8th |
345 | Saunders pharmaceutical Word Book2010 | Drake & Drake |
346 | Sobatta Atlas of human Anatomy | Urban and fischer_14th |
347 | Spectrometric Identification Of Organic Compound | Robert M. Silverstein_7th |
348 | Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry | Manfred Hesse_2nd |
349 | Stability-Indicating HPLC Methods For Drug Analysis | Quanyun A.Xu_3rd |
350 | Standards of Practical for the Pharmacy Technician | Mary E.mohr |
351 | Stockley’s Drug Interactions | Stockley_9th |
352 | Stockley’s Drug Interactions(2009) Pocket companion | Baxter_2009 |
353 | Suppositories | David Attwood |
354 | Symptoms in the Pharmacy | Alison Blenkinsopp_6th |
355 | Symptoms in the Pharmacy:Aguide to the Managemant of commonillenss | Alison Blenkinsopp_6th |
356 | Tablet And Capsules machine Instrumentation | RIGWAY WATT. Et.al_3rd |
357 | Techniques In Organic Chemistry | Jerry_3rd |
358 | The APHA Complete Review for pharmacy | Gourley & Eoff _6th |
359 | The Daschner Guide to in Hospital Antibiotic Therapy | Franck Tacconelli_2009 |
360 | The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics(Goodman & Gillman) | Brunton . Et.al_12th |
361 | The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics(Goodman & Gillman) | Brunton . Et.al_12th |
362 | The Pharmacy Technician Skills – Building Manual | Karen Snipe |
363 | The Pharmacy Technician,s Reference Guide | Posey |
364 | The Pharmacy Technician’s Introduction to Pharmacy | Posey |
365 | The practitioner,s Quick Reference to Nonprescription Drugs | Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz |
366 | The Science and Practice of pharmacy(Remington) | 21th |
367 | The Science and Practice of pharmacy(Remington) | 21th |
368 | The Systematic Identification Of Organic Compound | Shriner_8th |
369 | The Toxicologist’s Pocket handbook | M.J.DAEVELANKO |
370 | The World of The Cell | Wayne Beaker, Kleinsmith_7th |
371 | Theory & Practice Histology Techniques | B.Cambale |
372 | Theory And Practice Of Industerial Pharmacy | Luchman & Lieberman |
373 | Toxicology (the basic sciense of poisons) | Casarett and Doulls_7th |
374 | Toxicology (the basic sciense of poisons) | Casarett and Doulls_7th |
375 | Understanding Immunology | Peter Wood_2nd |
376 | Understanding pharmacology | #REF! |
377 | United State Pharmacopia (USP) | Aulton’s pharmaceutics_ 3rd |
378 | Validation Of Pharmaceutical Process | Agalloco et.al _3rd |
379 | Vander,s Human Physiology | Widmaier R.Stran_9th |
380 | Vogel’s (Text Book Of Quantitative Chemical Analysis) | Vogle_6th |
381 | Vogel’s Practical Organic Chemistry | Mendham et.al_5th |
382 | Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Haematology | Tkachuk, Hischmann |
383 | قاموس المورد | منير بعلبكي |
384 | قاموس حتي الطبي | د.يوسف حتي & _2008الخطيب |