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العدد التاسع

01A Study of Ibn Hayan Honey Antioxidant Power

02 Lipase from S. aureus, Purification and Application of Three Characterizing Experiments

03 Isolation, Characterization and Estimation of Ellagic Acid activity against Porphyromonas gingivalis Isolated from adult Periodontitis Patients in Kerbala City.

04 Identification of Lipase ProducersStaphylococcus aureus and Studyingthe Effects of Some Physicochemical Factors on Lipase Production

05 Spectrofluorimetry – Cloud point extraction for the determination of cadmium and lead using Furosemide as a complexing agent

06 Detection of Aflatoxins Present in Some Types of Nuts are Available In Local Markets

07 Synthises and characterization of New fructosyl N-ampicillin derivative as possible prodrug

08 Detection of specific antibodies of Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from children by using Eliza test

09 Compliance behaviors among patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy in Holy Kerbala / Iraq

10 Formulation of telmisartan microsponge tablets and In-Vitro evaluation of dissolution profile

11 Effects of formulation variables on the Candesartan cilexitil nanoparticles properties using poloxamer 188

12 Formulation and evaluation of clarithromycim oral microspong

13 Investigation the Factors Affecting on Gatifloxacin Eye Drop Stability

14 Determination of Glimepiride, Amlodipine and Nitrofurantoin by Reversed phase – High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP- HPLC Technique)

15 Preparation of Nanohybrid antifungal from Nystatin and determination its inhibitory efficiency against Candida spp.

16 Determination of Homatropine Methylbromide Drug by Using of Manufactured Selective Membrane Electrodes

17 تقدير الدواء هيدوركلوريدالبروميثازين في المستحضر الصيدلاني فينيرجان (Phenergan) بطريقه الأطياف الجزئية وباستعمال فلز الحديد.

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