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تأثير مادة الباراسيتمول على انزيم α- اميليز اللعابي

Othman R. Hameed Alsamarrai
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education/Samarra, Tikrit university

The effect of paracetamol on the activity of saliva α-amylase was carried out. We prepared three different concentrations solutions of paracetamol (300, 500, 750) mg/100ml. The effect of different volumes (5, 10, 20, 30, 50) μl of paracetamol for each concentration were study. The results showed that paracetamol has inhibition effect on the activity of α-amylase enzyme and highest inhibition at 10μl of inhibitor, while the degree of inhibition for three different concentrations were (52.30, 54.34, 20.70) % respectively. Also, kinetic of enzyme showed km value 1.428 mmol/L, and Vmax value 30303.03 mol.liter-1.min-1, the result showed that inhibition is uncompetitive type.

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