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التوليف ومضاد للجراثيم نشاط بعض جديد α-فينيل السنامويل Thiosemicarbazide وتبديل 5-α-فينيل Styryl-1،3،4-الترايازول-2-ثيول

Synthesis And Antibacterial Activity Of Some New α-Phenylcinnamoyl Thiosemicarbazides And 5-Substituted-α-Phenylstyryl-1,3,4-Triazole-2-Thiols

Georg Y. Sarkis                                             Ahmed S. Hamed

Department of chemistry                                Department of chemistry

College of Science                              College of Education for Women

Mustansiriya University                                 University of Tikreet

                                                  Baghdad – Iraq                                                 Tikreet- Iraq


          A series of new derivatives of α-phenylcinnamoyl thiosemicarbazides have been synthesized and converted to 5-substituted- α-phenylstyryl-1,3,4-triazole-2-thiols.These compounds were screened for their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus ,Escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa. It was found that α- phenylcinnamoyl thiosemicarbazides were more active than triazoles againstStaphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.

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