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Tablets new drug for patients with malaria and Indian

Published the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences India (International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences) scientific research teacher Dr. Mudar Abdel Moneim Kazem research includes medication (Alartosnt) which is one of the new materials in the pharmaceutical market for malaria patients, said Abdel Moneim “It is characterized by strongly act pharmacological good and fast and the lack of solubility in aqueous solutions, so the research that we have done is to increase the solubility in aqueous solutions from the past about 24 times. 
He explained: “We mixes with other material is (Alsaacodkstren), which led to increased lifespan of the previous five times. 
Noting that “the drug is now in the market in the form of tablets and so this research will provide a longer duration of stay and more rapid melting. 
The harmful Dr. Abdel Moneim Kazim is now the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Karbala and holds a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from Curtin University, Australia.

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