The Division of Continuing Education in the college, in cooperation with the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Branch, organized a training course entitled (The reasons for the inaccuracy of the results when measuring the percentage of calcium in the blood)

The course lasts for three days, from (28-30/5/2023). A number of faculty members in the college take turns to deliver their lectures.

Where she gave a lecture on the first day of her teaching in the laboratory sciences branch

M.D. Batool Louay Aziz: I showed in it that there are many who suffer from inaccurate test results when measuring the level of calcium in the blood, such as its high and low levels, which occurs when insufficient amounts of calcium are obtained for long periods, which leads to a deficiency and low level of calcium in the human body, which results in several symptoms, the most important of which are: osteoporosis and easy exposure of bones to fracture, muscle spasm and tightness, depression, numbness and paresthesia in the hands and feet, irregular blood pressure, heart spasms, and other symptoms.

And the teacher added, cases of deficiency and excess of calcium in the body must be identified by doing special analyzes for that, and according to the results of the analyzes, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

The course aimed to increase the experience of the teaching and technical staff in the college to know the correct and accurate methods for drawing a blood sample from Control people and to know the most important tools and materials used when collecting samples to measure the percentage of calcium in the body.Media of Pharmacy College