The College of Pharmacy, represented by its Dean, Prof.Dr. Ahmed Salih Al Khezally, the members of the College Council, and all college employees, condemn the repeated sinful attack on the Holy Qur’an as well as on the Iraqi flag.

These disgraceful acts, which are taking place with the approval of the Swedish government, transcend international norms and values and are devoid of appreciation and respect for human rights and divine religions.

under the pretext of freedom of expression

However, freedom must be based on respect and responsibility, and allowing attacks on the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag constitutes a flagrant violation of the values of dialogue and peaceful coexistence between cultures and religions.

And while we stress the need for joint action to promote understanding and tolerance among peoples, and to reject extremism and religious hatred,

All governments, governmental institutions and human societies must cooperate to combat extremism and terrorism and to promote the spirit of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. The College of Pharmacy at the University of Karbala, out of deep belief in the principles of the Islamic religion and denouncing everything that would harm the prestige of the Iraqi flag, calls for boycotting everything related to the Swedish government, and taking serious measures to prevent the recurrence of such barbaric acts. And stand up to it with all available means.