A brief overview of the College of Pharmacy

The College of Pharmacy is one of the newly established colleges at the University of Karbala, where it was established in 2006 and started with two branches (pharmaceutical chemistry and pathological analysis, formerly clinical laboratory sciences, now).
– The college was then expanded in terms of constructions (classrooms and modern laboratories), developing teaching and administrative competencies, and increasing the number of new branches, as (Drugs and Medicinal Plants Branch – Pharmaceutics – Medicines and Poisons – Clinical Pharmacy) were added.
Providing the college with specialized pharmaceutical cadres and higher degrees to support the scientific aspect of the college.
The college is constantly updating its laboratories and classrooms in line with the scientific development and the latest technologies in this field.
Granting opportunities to enroll in postgraduate studies inside and outside Iraq to obtain masters and doctorate degrees in pharmacy to strengthen the existing staff with new competencies.
The College of Pharmacy seeks to have a pioneering and effective scientific presence in the preparation of competent specialized pharmaceutical cadres to fulfill their important responsibilities in the areas of providing therapeutic services, supply the pharmaceutical industries with professional cadres, and prepare a promising generation of researchers at a high level in the specializations of pharmaceutical sciences.
the message:
Based on the need to prepare distinguished national competencies of pharmacists, and in recognition of the pioneering role that the college must play in serving the community, the college must occupy a distinguished place in modern fields and specialties in pharmacy and keep pace with modern scientific trends in activating the role of the pharmacist in health care and therapeutic In addition to activating its pioneering role in advanced pharmaceutical research and industries.
First: Preparing a cadre of pharmacists who have a bachelors degree in pharmacy and are able to:
1. Understanding and diagnosing the disease and optimal drug testing.
2. Full awareness of the basic rules for starting, continuing, changing or stopping treatment.
3. Understand the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics sufficiently to improve the treatment plan for each disease.
4. Interact efficiently with the medical team and the patient.
5. Searching for information related to the drug and its interpretation, using the pharmaceutical and medical sciences, and applying it to various disease cases.
6. Establishing a health information base from the patient’s personal interviews and by reading medical reports and discussing the rest of the participating medical team.
7. Education and health education with everyone who deals with him.
8. Practicing the profession of pharmacy in its various aspects in governmental or private hospitals, public pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.
Second: Supplying drug factories with trained Iraqi competencies in the pharmaceutical industry.
Third: Participation in community service in cooperation with the relevant authorities in the following areas:
- Pharmaceutical control
- Reducing misuse of medication
- Detection and treatment of toxins
- Drug information exchange