The Animal House at the College of Pharmacy provides its support to researchers and the students of high study.

Based on  the principle of scientific cooperation between universities and colleges and in order to advance the reality of scientific research, the animal house at the College of Pharmacy at the University of Karbala receives many researchers and students of high study  from various colleges and universities for the purpose of completing their scientific research requirements by providing laboratory animals and equipment necessary to conduct research.

And with the exceptional efforts of those in charge of the animal house unit, the official of the animal house unit, assistant professor (Mazen Hamed Odeh), and Mr. (Abbas Nasser) in helping and overcoming obstacles in front of students and researchers.

By providing them with different experimental animals and helping them on how to deal with experimental animals and clarifying the different ways to control the animals so that the researcher can deal with them easily and safely, as well as assisting researchers in making animal models (surgical and chemical) and ending the practical part of animal experiments and teaching them the different methods of injection, experiment and taking the required samples

The unit also includes an equipped operating room through which it can achieve its most important objectives such as participating and coordinating the work of training courses and assisting researchers in completing the applied parts of animal experiments by providing surgical and preparatory capabilities, anesthesia and care for experimental animals. It is noteworthy that the animal house was established on the basis of legislation and standards that stipulate the protection of animals used in experiments and others for scientific and educational purposes that need special environmental conditions if the main task of the animal house is to support scientific research and enhance teaching because it provides facilities accompanying high quality research that It is used in pharmacology experiments.