A lecturer at the College of Pharmacy is part of a master’s thesis discussion committee at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University.

Assist. Prof. Ahmed Abbas Rokan participated in the Faculty of Pharmacy as a member of the discussion committee for a master’s thesis at Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University / College of Health and Medical Technologies / Kufa

The master’s thesis, entitled (An immunological study of women with breast cancer), examined the thinking of the immune response in women with breast cancer.

The thesis submitted by the student (Ruwaida Mohsen Saad) aimed at studying and estimating some vital institutions for serum levels (CDCI, CD24, WBCs) for patients with breast cancer.

The study showed that there were distinct significant differences between the study groups, which included patients with breast cancer and the healthy control group.

Also, the relationship between immunological parameters has a very high correlation, as it was considered as a predictive indicator of breast cancer.