In implementation of the directives of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, the respected Professor Dr. Ahmed Saleh Al-Khazali, to put the chemical warehouse in the college within the specifications that conform to the storage of chemicals and hazardous materials and to apply the principle of safety and security

College of Pharmacy has started rehabilitating the chemical store in the college, classifying liquid chemicals from solid chemicals, scheduling them, and submitting them to the Chemical Assets Tracking Program (CAT) launched by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Chemical and Biological Security Committee for the purpose of controlling the tracking of banned chemicals and limiting access to them As well as to apply the principle of safety and security

It is noteworthy that the College of Pharmacy owns a chemical store that includes a large number of various chemicals provided by the college for the purpose of using them in practical experiments for daily lectures for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the college.