Based on its policy in managing the scientific research file and its priorities in the areas of development and rehabilitation, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of a program to develop scientific research skills for graduate students in Iraqi universities, starting from the academic year 2023/2024.

The program, which is the first in Iraq and supervised by the Research and Development Department, includes a series of regular workshops that will be presented by qualified professors with experience in the field of scientific research and publishing to provide students with the tools responsible for developing skills that have a direct impact on enhancing the objectivity of scientific work and expanding the research horizons of postgraduate students in Research stage.

The program system ( will provide students of the research stage with momentum in finding appropriate solutions to research problems and achieve optimal benefit from the professors’ expertise in the field of scientific research, preparing and writing dissertations and dissertations, choosing the appropriate journal for publication, and the method of dealing with sources and organizing the results. Scientific knowledge and time management with high efficiency according to the requirements of the research project.