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Higher Education: On Seventy-Four Iraqi Universities & Colleges

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced that seventy-four Iraqi universities and colleges achieved competitive scores in the UI GreenMetric ranking for 2023.

Higher Education highlighted thath the results of the ranking (https://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/rankings/overall-rankings-2023) scored one thousand one hundred and eighty-three university institutions around the world and the raqi universities were able to increase their global competitiveness to seventy-four institutions in comparison to the results of the previous edition for 2022, which included seventy-three universities.

Higher Education demonstrated that Iraqi universities and colleges achieved increasing in competition in international rankings, including the Shanghai Ranking of Academic Subjects for 2023, in which University of Baghdad was obtained top score within the specialty (Dentistry & Oral Sciences), (The Times) ranking, in which thirteen University were obtained top score, QS ranking, in which five universities were obtained top score, (Scimago) ranking, in which twenty-two institutions were obtained top score, (Greenmetrics) ranking, in which the number of Iraqi educational institutions increased in the 2023 edition to seventy-four universities and colleges, and the URA ranking, in which four Iraqi universities were obtained top score, as well as (Webometrics) ranking, in which more than one hundred Iraqi universities and colleges were obtained top score.

It is worth to be mentioned that the University of Babylon topped the Iraqi universities in this ranking, as it obtained the score 133 globally, followed by the universities of Anbar, Al-Mustaqbal, Baghdad, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Basrah, Mustansiriyah, Karbala, Sumer, Al-Kafeel and Al-Qadisiyah, as well as Al-Hamdaniya University.

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