Higher Education: On Twenty-six Iraqi Universities Obtain Times Arab
Ministry of Higher Education and Scient8c research announced that the Times Ranking issued the results of its edition of Arab universities for the year 2023, which conducted an evaluation of two hundred and seven educational institutions from fifteen countries.
Higher Education highlighted that twenty-six Iraqi public universities, as well as a number of private universities obtained important competitive ranks for the first time in the Times Arab University Rankings (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/arab-university-rankings?page= 2#!/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats) reviewed that the Universities of Baghdad obtained the score (40), Technology obtained the score (=50), Mosul obtained the score (51-60), Babylon obtained the score (61-70), Basrah obtained the score (61-70), Al-Nahrain obtained the score (71-80), Mustansiriyah obtained the score (71-80), Kufa obtained the score (81-90), Al-Anbar obtained the score (101-120), Tikrit obtained the score (101-120), Karbala obtained the score (121-140), Al-Qadisiyah obtained the score (141-160), Al-Qasim Green obtained the score ( 141-160), Diyala obtained the score (141-160), Kirkuk obtained the score (141-160), Wasit obtained the score (141-160), Al-Ain obtained the score (161+), Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical obtained the score (161+), Al-Mustaqbal obtained the score (161+), Al-Muthanna obtained the score (161+), Al-Islamiya obtained the score (161+), Middle Technical obtained the score (161+), Misan obtained the score (161+), Northern Technical obtained the score (161+), Southern Technical obtained the score (161+) and Thi-Qar obtained the score (161+).
Higher Education also reviewed that universities were submitted to evaluation according to twenty performance indicators within five main axes: teaching by (31%), research environment by (31%), research quality by (24%), international outlook by (8%) and society by (6%).
It is worth to be mentioned that Iraq achieved 37th score in the world in the Times World Ranking for 2024 through 13 Iraqi universities that registered their competition and presence in the ranking in which 1,904 universities from 108 countries around the world competed.