The Pharmaceuticals and Toxicology Branch holds a meeting with the Dean of the College
The Pharmaceuticals and Toxicology Branch held a meeting with the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Rasoul, in the presence of the Branch Head, Assistant Professor Amal Omran Musa, and all members of the Branch.
The meeting touched on the most important matters related to the conduct of the educational process, and stressed the importance of adhering to examination instructions and ensuring that examinations are conducted in a smooth manner and in an appropriate atmosphere for students. The Dean listened to the proposals submitted to ensure and sustain development in the branch’s laboratories and improve the educational environment for students, in addition to his emphasis on the importance of the home. Animal belonging to the Pharmaceuticals and Toxicology Branch due to the scientific return it achieves through the completion of research and the financial return for the college. He pointed out the importance of developing it in a way that is appropriate and appropriate for the College of Pharmacy.
This meeting comes within a series of periodic meetings held by the Dean of the College with the scientific branches in the College, which aim to raise the level of the College.