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University of Kerbala Organizes Training Course on the Geographic Assessment of Climate Elements’ Role in Modern Water Technologies

The College of Education for Humanities at the University of Kerbala organized a training course on the geographic assessment of the role of certain climate elements on modern water technologies in Kerbala Governorate. The course was led by Dr. Hussein Fadel Abd, Dr. Sundus Mohammed Alwan, and Mr. Zaid Kamil Jawad.

The course aims to explore key climatic factors affecting water technologies and how they may reduce their efficiency, as well as to understand the modern water technologies currently in use. It also discusses how some institutions have applied these technologies and their impact on agricultural productivity and increased yield.

The course covered an overview of Kerbala’s climate and how climate elements affect the performance of sprinklers. Additionally, it examined the main climatic factors, various types of modern sprinklers, and presented both local and international applications and experiences in Kerbala and similar areas.

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