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The Ministry of Higher Education Announces Reopening of Evening Study Applications for the Families of Martyrs

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has announced the reopening of the electronic application form for evening study admissions for students from the families of martyrs for the academic year 2024/2025.

The application process is open to graduates of general and vocational preparatory schools in all branches and specialties, as well as graduates of nursing, midwifery, and Islamic studies schools affiliated with the religious endowments and institutes of arts and crafts. Admission will be based on corresponding specialties and minimum grade requirements.

Electronic applications can be submitted through www.dirasat-gate.org until the end of the official working hours on Tuesday, 26 November 2024. The Martyrs Foundation will validate the data of the applicants, while colleges and departments with direct admission will input the test scores after conducting interviews and assessments as part of the electronic application process.

Media and Government Communications Directorate
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

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