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College of Pharmacy Holds a Workshop on the Spread of Drug Use Among Youth and Its Impact on Society

The College of Pharmacy at the University of Kerbala organized a workshop titled “The Spread of Drug Use Among Youth and Its Impact on Society.” The workshop was presented by Professor Dr. Wafa Fawzi Ibrahim and Dr. Mukhlid Jamal Al-Hajj Yaseen, a practicing psychiatrist from the Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts and Substance Abusers, with the participation of students from the college.

The workshop aimed to raise awareness among youth and all segments of society about the dangers of drug use and addiction, as it represents one of the most critical challenges facing individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The problem is exacerbated by the diversity of drugs available, their rapid spread, and the ease of access to them.

The workshop covered several key topics, including the definition of drug use and addiction, the distinction between the two, the causes and characteristics of addiction, and the harmful effects of addiction on individuals, families, and society.

The workshop concluded with several recommendations, most notably the importance of activating the role of media in raising health and social awareness about the dangers of drugs. It also emphasized the need for more dialogue programs involving doctors, experts, and youth to shed light on the problem from various perspectives. Furthermore, the workshop stressed the necessity of coordinating efforts between governmental and non-governmental organizations, strengthening the roles of families, schools, and religious leaders in protecting younger generations from the devastating effects of drug addiction.

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