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Master’s Thesis at the University of Karbala Explores Poetic Space in Yas Al-Saeedi’s Work

A master’s thesis at the College of Education for Humanities, University of Karbala, examined the poetic space in the works of Yas Al-Saeedi. The thesis, presented by student Alaa Majid Dawood, delved into the depth of poetic texts, exploring their aesthetic and creative dimensions and reflecting on their profound psychological aspects.

The thesis was organized into three chapters:
• The first chapter analyzed the spatial space in Yas Al-Saeedi’s poetry, its forms, and connotations.
• The second chapter explored the temporal space, focusing on its patterns and themes.
• The third chapter examined the techniques and methods used in shaping the poetic space.

Key findings included:
• Al-Saeedi’s poetic language was characterized by clarity and simplicity, avoiding obscure or complex vocabulary.
• His poetry was deeply personal and reflective of his own life experiences, marked by sorrow stemming from early childhood hardships, the loss of both parents, and the harsh circumstances of his community.

The study highlighted Al-Saeedi’s ability to transform personal pain into a profound poetic expression, making his work relatable and impactful.

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