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Master’s Thesis at the University of Kerbala Discusses the Molecular Identification of the Date Moth

A master’s thesis at the College of Agriculture, University of Kerbala, addressed the molecular identification of the date moth Ephestia cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The research was conducted by Noor Al-Huda Mahmoud Kazem.

The study highlighted the significance of interactions between certain date palm varieties and different temperature levels to identify susceptible and resistant varieties to the date moth. It examined the sensitivity of various date varieties to the pest and assessed environmentally friendly factors for its control.

The research aimed to utilize a vacuum device to explore storage methods for specific varieties and to identify the most and least susceptible varieties to the pest.

Additionally, the study investigated the effects of alcoholic and nano-extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves on certain biological aspects of the date moth, emphasizing the importance of modern technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, as cutting-edge molecular techniques.

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