Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi directs to authorize university councils the power to deal with critical cases in the competitive examination for admission to postgraduate studies for the year academic year 2023/2024

10 August، 2023

With no more than five marks to occupy its approved plan and enable the students included in the cases referred to to fulfill the success condition.

Education announces Iraq’s official accession to the Council of the International Center (SESAME) for Excellence in Scientific Research.

10 August، 2023

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces that Iraq has officially joined the Synchrotron Council for Experimental Sciences and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME), which is specialized in advanced and distinguished scientific research. A majority vote took place on…

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the approval of the Minister of Education, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, to grant universities the authority to set exam dates for the second round for the academic year 2022/23.

10 August، 2023

The seventeenth of next September is set as the date for the start of the new academic year 2023/24.

Higher education announces the opening of submission to the channel for accepting distinguished employees

10 August، 2023

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the opening of the electronic application form to the channel for accepting distinguished employees and medical cadres (the general channel – the channel of martyrs’ families) from institute graduates for admission to colleges…

The Secretariat of the Great Kufa Mosque honors a teacher at the College of Pharmacy within the first Iraqi inventors forum

10 August، 2023

In the vicinity of the Great Kufa Mosque, which includes the heritage of scholars and thinkers, and in support of all creators, the teacher and head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Branch at the College of Pharmacy at Karbala University (Assistant Professor Dr….

Higher Education announces the opening of submissions to the Health Staff Development Channel

10 August، 2023

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the opening of the electronic form to apply to the health staff development channel of the Ministry of Health from institute graduates (exclusively) according to the corresponding disciplines for the academic year 2023/2024….

Selection of a number of faculty of the Faculty of Pharmacy to supervise the evaluation exams for public and private universities and colleges

31 July، 2023

Within the framework of scientific cooperation between public and private universities and colleges. A number of faculty members in the College of Pharmacy participated in the ministerial committee charged with supervising the ministerial calendar examinations to supervise the calendar examinations in the…

Third stage students take the ministerial calendar exam.

31 July، 2023

Today, Thursday morning, corresponding to 6/15/2023, two hundred and seventy (270) male and female students from the third stage in the College of Pharmacy went to perform the ministerial evaluation exam for (Biochemistry) within the subjects covered by the evaluation examination according…