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It is concerned with the study of various drug doses, such as pills, capsules, ampoules, and vials, how to manufacture them, and methods and systems for delivering the drug to various parts of the body. This branch is also concerned with various polymers and how to use them in the pharmaceutical industry.

The branch was established since the beginning of the establishment of the College of Pharmacy for the academic year 2006-2007. The branch is interested in studying various drug dosages such as pills, capsules and injections, how to manufacture them, and methods and systems for drug delivery to various parts of the body.

 The branch is also concerned with various polymers and how to use them in the pharmaceutical industry.

Subjects taught by the branch:

Article name
first course
second course
FirstPharmacy principlesMy theoretical    pharmacy accounts
Practical pharmacy accounts
the secondA theoretical physical pharmacy       A theoretical physical pharmacy       
Practical Physical PharmacyPractical Physical Pharmacy
The thirdPharmacy technology theoretical    Pharmacy
technology theoretical    
A practical pharmacy technology
Practical pharmacy technology
The fourthMy life pharmacyA theoretical industrial pharmacy
My practical life pharmacyA practical industrial pharmacy
FifthA theoretical      industrial pharmacyA theoretical dose design
A practical industrial pharmacyMy biotechnology

Branch Laboratories:

Lab numberName of the laboratoryn
5Industrial Pharmacy Laboratory1
8Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory2
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