College of Pharmacy discusses a master’s thesis on the response to valproic acid among epilepsy patients in Iraq

College of Pharmacy at the University of Karbala discussed a master’s thesis in the field of pharmacology and toxicology, which included the study titled: (The role of the genetic polymorphisms Scnia and Ugt2b7 in the response to valproic acid among Iraqi epilepsy patients). Bythe student  Ayat Abdel-Khaleq Jawad, researching  into the effect of genetic polymorphisms on the level of liver enzymes in the blood to estimate genetic risk factors for hepatotoxicity in patients caused by valproic acid (Vpa) treatment in adults and children with epilepsy in the holy city of Karbala. The study, which was conducted at the Neurological Diseases Consultation in Imam Al-Hussein Medical City in Karbala Governorate, aimed to search for the effect of the genetic polymorphism of (C802T UGT2B7) on the level of liver enzymes in the blood. The study concluded that the genetic mutation of the Scnia gene causes an increase in the resistance of people with epilepsy to valproic treatment ,The genetic mutation of the Ug2b7 gene causes a decrease in the concentration of valproic acid in the blood serum. As a result, the study recommended the necessity of conducting analyzes of the mentioned genes before taking valproic acid to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment and reduce side effects.

College of Pharmacy media