Administrative Division of Pharmacy College: Continuous efforts to raise the level of the college.

The Administrative Division in the College of Pharmacy is one of the main divisions in the College, which takes upon itself the fulfillment of all administrative and human resources tasks for all branches and divisions of the College. It means administrative orders and directives issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the directives of the University Presidency and the Deanship of the College.

For his part, the Director of the Administrative Affairs Division at the College of Pharmacy, Ms. Wafaa Abdel Zaid, stated: Our work is continuing with the rest of the college’s branches and divisions to raise the college’s level to the best performance and obtain the highest ranks within the university’s faculties.

 She added: This division saves all information related to the faculty and staff of the college and updates it periodically and continuously based on the university orders received by us, as well as the completion of administrative orders for directing, appointment, disengagement and resignation, as well as the completion of transactions for granting the scientific title, changing the job title, and verifications  for certificates and appointments, and the completion of bonuses and promotion transactions for teachers and affiliates. And answering the official correspondences of the university and other bodies and approaching these bodies with regard to all that pertains to the members of the college, in addition to printing official books and administrative orders with regard to vacations and absences, as well as circulating orders and directions to the college’s people and its scientific branches, completing pension transactions for affiliates who reach the legal age, and doing electronic archiving of files and keeping them on Discs, delivering and receiving mail by the college agent, preparing registers  with books issued and incoming to the college and many other tasks. The Administrative Division of the College of Pharmacy has been keen to keep pace with the development taking place in various fields through continuous contacts with the Department of Administrative Affairs at the Presidency of the University of Karbala to see the system followed and modern programs through which it can raise a better level for the Administrative Division in the College and improve performance that serves the interest of work in the College .