Today, Sunday morning, corresponding to 6/11/2023, about (205) two hundred and fifty male and female students from the College of Pharmacy at Karbala University went to participate in the fifth (ministerial) calendar exam for colleges of pharmacy in Iraq

Today, the students of the fourth stage performed the Clinical Pharmacy II exam (among the subjects covered in the calendar exam) according to the instructions issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the academic year 2022-2023.

And for the academic subjects approved by the deans’ committees of the faculties of the medical group for the academic stages above the first

The exam was completed successfully after concerted efforts by the college staff and under direct supervision and follow-up by the respected Dean of the College, Prof.Dr. Ahmed Salih Al Khezally

And the assistants (administrative and scientific), the examination committee in the college and the monitoring committees, as well as the electronic supervision and follow-up by the ministerial team formed by the supervision and scientific evaluation apparatus in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

To supervise evaluation exams in various Iraqi universities, which aims to develop the scientific skills of students and meet the requirements of the Ministry seeking scientific sobriety.